Compensation Design
Salary Analysis
Through research of industry demographics and market pricing, PBN will customize and develop a recommendation and analysis of positions within the company. Using traditional bench-marking techniques we are able to determine competitive pay scales based on your specific objectives. National data matching your industry and company size is utilized. Other Organizational Design characteristics are explored as appropriate.
Incentive Packages
PBN designs incentive compensation plans to include the following criteria depending upon your needs; performance based, retention focused, motivationally triggered, personally & professionally attractive, and most importantly effective. Pay-for-Performance may be integrated into the strategic business planning process through departmental business action plans that define measurable objectives. Professional adviser coordination may be relevant depending on the type of program that is recommended - cash, phantom stock, stock, Employee Stock Ownership Program (ESOP), Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation (NQDC), or some sort of cash / combination plan.
Bonus Plans & Incentive Programs
A retroactive way to reward for past achievements is through bonus planning. PBN helps owners determine appropriate rewards for individual contributions or for overall company past performance.
Unique Family Plans
Many business owners have a son, a daughter, or a close relative that they would consider transferring ownership interest to. PBN's process and methods help assess, enlist and reward those skills and abilities you feel are most important to successfully taking over a business.
Commission Based Plans
Existing sales compensation plans can be reviewed to identify and resolve concerns related to complexity, motivation and communication. Tracking spreadsheets or performance dashboards can be integrated into your compensation model.
Multiple Owner Compensation Planning
Many times with partnerships, one business owner will be significantly less engaged than the other. Steps should be taken proactively with compensation planning or equity transfer before the issue escalates into a problem that is detrimental to the financial and operational health of the company.