Strategic Planning

Tracking, Dashboards, & Ongoing Accountability
Through our ongoing business planning or through leveraging the EOS Process, your team can develop measurable objectives and monitor progress on reaching goals. PBN uses Scorecards and Progress Dashboards to monitor and track performance. Then, we help drive accountability through meeting cadence and facilitation.
Web & Server Enabled Tracking
Internal server systems and online programs are great ways to encourage servant-leadership cultural techniques. Increasing visibility departmentally in performance and communication will help bring your company closer together and ultimately create for a more dynamic organization.
Performance Feedback & Accountability Systems
Through quarterly appraisals owners can develop a means to historically document employee performance, effectively delegate responsibilities, and increase high-level communication between owners and personnel. Historical documentation is also worth tangible dollars when the business is eventually sold. Business valuation analysts are always very excited to see this type of documentation.

Eric LeBow